Society | Teen Ink


May 24, 2014
By edaj17 BRONZE, Boone, Iowa
edaj17 BRONZE, Boone, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We blame society, but we are society.
The problem has branched from our very roots.
The storm that blew us down
is the very one that we have built up.
The hole we’ve fallen into:
the very cause of our dirt-caked shovels.
The pressure waiting to burst:
a result of our own shaken bottle.
And yet, the blame is on society.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I saw the quote "We blame society but we are society". I really liked that quote, so I took my thoughts on it and organized it into this poem. Why do we only blame society for our problems when in reality, society is made up of all of us?

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