Submerging | Teen Ink


May 27, 2014
By collidingstarsxx SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
collidingstarsxx SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I swim for brighter days, despite the absence of sun"

I don't believe we ever exchanged goodbyes
Dying inside holding back the swallowed cries
But they used to be the easiest words to say
Like a blooming butterfly ready to play
Just on the tip of burned and scarred tongues
With a simple breath out of heavy lungs
Instead your words shattered growing hope
Your greed dusted winds flew me down a broken slope
Overbearing broken busted blistered words scabbed
The raw rusted route to a ruptured heart jabbed
Lies of continuous self-indulgent condescending blows
Watered the withered flower with acidic lows
Zipped edges and magnetic muscles gripped the door
Bones break lose feeling bulges of pain and sore
The goodbye was in your eye but stuck in your throttled throat
I sailed on with that anchor always attached to my submerging boat

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