The Autobiography | Teen Ink

The Autobiography

May 27, 2014
By Daniel.Winecoff BRONZE, Salisbury, North Carolina
Daniel.Winecoff BRONZE, Salisbury, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What to write about? What to say?
To pour my soul into an plain piece of
emotionless paper? --
To Tell you about me?
Should it entail a
histrionic history of my life?

Or could it focus on my life's accomplishments?,
So sweet as saccharine?
Will the Bold Black
ink on the page
Entertain with a vague portrayal of my Personality?
So many marvelous
choices, overflowing from my cup of

- or perhaps -

I do not have to write about
have to pour my every thought into
an emotionless piece of plain paper. . .

The trifling, time-consuming topics are
infinite, impossible
to put myself into these topics is hard
enough as it is.

So, I will tell you about me:
I am simply secret,

That is all that the words will allow me to say. . .

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