You and I | Teen Ink

You and I

May 27, 2014
By woahaffy GOLD, San Bernardino, California
woahaffy GOLD, San Bernardino, California
10 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you're only given one little spark of madness, you mustn't lose it"
- robin williams

Tangle me in you, let me embrace all that you are.
Your hair to your knees, your eyes to your feet.
The way you smirk and smile, even when nothing is funny.

I often think what goes through your mind, when you look to the ground or stare off into space.
When you forget that you're here, in reality.
When you lose your place, I often think maybe something is wrong because you sigh a lot and look to me. In that moment, I can see, that something just is not meant to be.

Your happiness is key and I hope for your best.
Your laughter is contagious and your smile is without a trace of a flaw.

Although now, you no longer laugh nor smile.

Your eyes have become hallow and that is reflecting into my own.
My eyes are now hallow, I no longer laugh nor smile because you are no longer you and I am no longer me.

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