Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

May 27, 2014
By LanyStone143 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
LanyStone143 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s two a.m. and I’m tossing around in my bed
I wake her up to cry about a boy
She tells me I’m beautiful and my insecurities are all in my head
Because I’m far too good to be his next toy
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s my birthday and she’s the first to sing
I take her to the movies and then we stuff or mouths full
She makes me laugh while we wonder what this year will bring
No minute spent with her is ever dull
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s the start of school and things are rough
No matter what I do my parents aren’t please
But she’ll study with me so the tests seem less tough
Then she’ll smile and for a moment the stress is eased
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s her birthday and I can’t be there
I feel like I’m never there for her like she is for me
She has tears in her eyes but she promises she doesn’t care
So I just hold her and tell her that I’m so sorry
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s spring break and things are worse
Home is a battlefield and it’s love that I lack
He’s talking to another girl and everything he says just hurts
But she holds my hand and the good memories swarm back
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s the end of the day when I find her crying
She pulls me close to tell me the news
She says she’s moving and at first I think she’s lying
But it’s true and I feel like she’s given me a bruise
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s our last few months together and I try to make it the best
We giggle over boys and dance to our favorite song
We hand out and all our worries are put to a rest
We feel giddy but we know it won’t last long
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s the close of the year and we’re running out of time
We try so hard not to think about goodbye
Because life without her should be named a crime
But our glory days are gone and all we can do is sigh
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s two a.m. and I’m still wide awake
Thinking that without my best friend nothing will be the same
She calls me up and it’s a long night in the make
I tell her everything without her will be lame
And we’ll talk for hours

It’s down to the last minute and I’m holding her tight
I tell her I love her and put my hand over he heart
Our friendship will always be there burning bright
But now the time has come for us to part
And there’s no more hours left for us to talk

The author's comments:
This is about my best friend

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 2 2014 at 6:17 pm
foreverwritingwithyou BRONZE, NA, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This was a very moving poem, I could connect because I recently moved away from my best friend and she helped me through everything and being away from her is rough.