Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

May 30, 2014
By HoshBrown BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
HoshBrown BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

― Anaïs Nin

I sat alone waiting for someone
someone to care
someone to understand
I sat by myself waiting for a friend to come
I poked around and latched on to some people
but the person I loved most left me

Jealousy drowning her
leaving me for a fault that was not mine
We used to have great times together
we were inseparable
couldn't be apart
I finally felt happy
but she left me

So I waited once again for someone
I walked around with few people
but none could replace my happiness

but then I found you
you brought me joy
and you brought me strength
comfort and safety
You gave me confidence
you were my friend
and I loved our relationship

I still do
It will be hard to see you go
to release from the special happiness I found
I will always love you
and cherish my feelings for you

thank you for everything

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