Boys like you | Teen Ink

Boys like you

May 30, 2014
By Makenzie22 GOLD, Greensboro, North Carolina
Makenzie22 GOLD, Greensboro, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it because nobody else will.

Boys like you simply do not
Love girls like me;
Ink stains—scratched out names, tattooed onto my skin,
with tattered sides and lifeless eyes. The ones who have been bent and turned and shaped-thrown away because we are named terminal.
Boys like you can never love girls that pretend their smile is genuine, as they conceal behind lies of closed eyes. The ones who’ve given up hoping on the defective we find deep within our cracks. Our 2 am confessions will fly high above your grasp. You’ll never understand the bandages that hang, as we invite a match to blaze and fly high beyond all end.
Boys like you can never comprehend why we muse and oppose blindly. Or the words that make us halt, and why our mouths close up tight. Chest locked firm you’ll begin to wonder. Something will spark, as you believe you can aimlessly recondition the thoughts that couldn’t last. But you’ll get weary of my plot; the pieces won’t match up. And soon you’ll start to search for a lie that will pass in time.
Boys like you can’t love girls like me. With storms beneath our skin. All exits blocked- hurry leap off. You reason we’ll fly, but get ready for a hot flash, instant crash. plummeting- nose dive. Need a rush jumpstart before we fall between blurred lines.
Boys like you can’t love girls like me with detailed descriptions, abstract ambitions. We can’t entangle- only disperse. You’ll say life is great, but only for a little while.

So don’t fall down into my cracks, my guardrails can’t hold you back, as you begin to come to terms of what I lack.

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