It Chimed | Teen Ink

It Chimed

June 6, 2014
By TCity88 BRONZE, New York, New York
TCity88 BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every man's memory is his private literature." - Aldous Huxley

It chimed in my head,
And I lay in my bed ,
Unable to muster the strength to move,
My limbs felt like lead.
But still it chimed.
I went for a walk to feel some London air,
And I came back full of despair,
Remembering how she used to call me to tea.
It just isn’t fair.
And still it chimed.
I feel the knife,
The thing which took her life.
We would have had children, a home near the Square.
Who would dare murder my soon to be wife?
It chimed in my head.
There is blood on my hands,
I suffer from swollen glands,
Haha oh no siry, can’t have been me.
Quickly I rush and get the bands.
But still it chimed.
I laugh and scream,
We are to be married at last.
I shout and sing,
All the way to the Thames.
I hit my head against the rail,
And force the bands to break through tender skin,
Feeling the cold metal mingle against my boiling flesh
Uniting with the chimes inside my head.

And still it chimed shattering the water’s hush

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