Life Passes | Teen Ink

Life Passes

June 7, 2014
By hashpotate SILVER, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
hashpotate SILVER, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won't. This is what love is." - Cecil Baldwin

Blink once, blink twice.
Bright white lights, a smiling woman is staring down at me.

Blink once, blink twice.
I'm one in pink, stepping delicately in front of a wide mirror with many others.

Blink once, blink twice.
Teenage years in full bloom, full of puberty, hormones, and stress. I tiptoe safely.

Blink once, blink twice.
Flowers and sweet cake, a man in a black suit. He is now my husband.

Blink once, blink twice.
A baby in my arms, my husband looking down at us proudly. It's a girl.

Blink once, blink twice.
Growing old, my baby has left. I'm so so happy.

Blink once, blink twice.
White lights, white room, white hair. The constant beep beep beep of a monitor humming beside me.

Blink once, blink twice...

The author's comments:
I was thinking about how life passes, and how you just 'blink once, blink twice,' and it passes just so quickly.

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