Building up walls | Teen Ink

Building up walls

June 16, 2014
By Sakeyan_13 BRONZE, Makati, Other
Sakeyan_13 BRONZE, Makati, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Wasted hours pile up around us
as we feign ignorance,
and find a way to make it stop.
We yell at each other, blaming,
picking at the faults we see.

But then we feel guilt.
It trickles its way,
dripping to the other side of the wall.
We have words we want to say,
but find no confidence or voice
to say to each other out loud,
fearing the other's reaction.

So we stay behind the safety
of opposite sides of a brick wall
that we created for silence,
or for that moment of separate peace,
and try to hold out our troubles
for however long it may last.

Until somebody finally calls out
and breaks through the wall
that stands between the path.
To say to the other "sorry",
and to hear the other say "okay",

Or maybe we could leave it as it is
because no one has the initiative
to stand up and just forgive.
Because we won't back down.
The words that travelled between us,
are too much for us to let go of.

So we let the days pass us by,
feeling our regret eat us raw.
Soon we'll be leaving our space,
remembering our daily duties,
our everyday lives go on.
The argument stands, frozen in time.

The seconds tick on,
the last few we are ever given.
But so much time has gone,
now we go back to the wall.
But this time we're stuck,
the words are harder to say.

Somehow time rendered us speechless,
and we spend the last precious moments,
stuttering and stumbling over words,
crying while thinking of the past.
We both choke out our "sorry's".

The last second ticks by,
we have to leave and pack up.
The last thing we do together,
is kick the wall sensless.
The what if's, why's, and regrets,
are all that we have of each other now.

Because we won't see each other,
or have another chance to talk.
It's pointless to do that now,
so we'll just leave it at that.
Maybe one day one of us will go back,
and break that brick wall down.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Jun. 17 2014 at 1:47 pm
Sakeyan_13 BRONZE, Makati, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
*Flyyy, I mean.. 

on Jun. 17 2014 at 10:29 am
AllSoPlayfulWhenYouDemonize BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 228 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our passion is our strength."
-Billie Joe Armstrong

Lovely writing! I loved it.

on Jun. 17 2014 at 7:22 am
Sakeyan_13 BRONZE, Makati, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Thanks, Itsme24 :)

on Jun. 17 2014 at 12:41 am
Sunshine2420 SILVER, Unknown, Other
9 articles 0 photos 173 comments

Favorite Quote:
A smile hides everything.

This poem is really beautiful, the way you've described things is awesome...5 stars :)