You Said | Teen Ink

You Said

June 16, 2014
By poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
poetry&unicorns PLATINUM, Rogersville, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his/her point of view 'till you climb inside of his/her skin and walk around in it~ To Kill a Mocking Bird

You said thick and thin you would be by my side. Where are you?
You said you would never leave me, well it sure as hell does not look like you are anywhere close!
You said "Tell me when something is wrong so I can help you" REALLY!? you call "Make yourslf happy its life get over it, helping??
You said you would never forget me. Well guess what... It sure dose look and feel like you haveYou said "I still think your number one Kimmy" Then stop dragging me in the dirt and rocks! I have not done a Goddamn thing to you other then try every day to make you smile and laugh and tell you I love you. Well almost every day for the past two months you have done nothing but make me cry and hurt.
You said I was inreplaceabe. Yeah well... I have been replaced... replaced by someone who from last September around the 17-18th to the present has made my life a livivng Hell.
You said I was your Hatchi and you were my Nemo, I call you Nemo but you wont call me Hatchi, were you lieing again?
Im getting very f***ing sick and tired of getting hurt by the only person who says they love me, it makes me wanna kill myself.
You are litterly the only person in this f***king whole intire world that I love.
I care for other people. So please start treating , me like a real friend again, and please stop lieing to me about EVERYTHING, I do not lie to you, only when I have to.
I have about had my limit!

The author's comments:
There is no sure thing as having a best friend but calling her your sister by heart. They are lieing.

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