Imperfection | Teen Ink


June 17, 2014
By bri1041 BRONZE, Frankfort, Illinois
bri1041 BRONZE, Frankfort, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I go to school to learn
Facts, statistics, processes
And, they tell me, how to think

One thing they can’t teach is creativity
But what they won’t tell you is that they want to destroy it

Making children memorize formulas
Solve equations
Spout rote sayings
Even music and art aren’t creative anymore
Everything is a science

If I follow the rules they set out
I’ll be fine
I’ll get straight A’s
I’ll be liked
But what have I really accomplished?

And if I don’t go along with everybody else
I’ll fail
I’ll flunk out
I’ll be a loser without a job
Is that really a choice?

So I pretend to be a robot
Hiding my emotions
Never questioning
Even when I don’t agree
Even when doing so means missing something great

I’m the best at following the rules
Getting good grades
Being perfect, cold, and aloof
Pretending that this is life

But on the inside it’s different

On the inside I feel deeply
Question everything
And I don’t obey

On the inside I create
New ideas
New thoughts
New sounds and songs

On the inside I find
The beauty in a note
The magic in a sentence
The wonder in life

And I find its imperfections too

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