Water | Teen Ink


June 13, 2014
By kflageolle BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
kflageolle BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let anyone tell you to reach for the stars when there are footprints on the moon."

Sticks and stones travel in hate with debris of memories following close behind. The shadows of the past follow the clouds and sink all the way to the bottom. They flow in synchronization to signify the changing of the seasons. You swim in the journals of many people’s sacred thoughts, and you dive into the deepest, darkest depths of their soul. The heat swallows you whole as you reminisce the rouge cheeks the sparkle only in the moonlight. But how would you know? You can only splash away people’s memories to build your own tower of hope. Once I build my fortress take my slippery hand and wipe it down until it’s dry. Then wet it again so you can interlock our past, our memories, and our future. The droplets draw my eye to your smile that only is meant to ignite my adoration. You look at my soaking smile that srips in utter love and fascination in you and only you. Only in this moment does the liquid fully bind us. I wish to feel your lip’s regrets on my thirsty mouth, but not in passion but in the truth and lies. Make me love every part of you because you persuade me to love everything about you. Drip and flow freely through my hands so only I can comfort you from the storm that causes your internal rain. I only want you to see me and you as tiny water droplets that follow each other all the way to the source.

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