Never | Teen Ink


June 28, 2014
By writinghopelessly BRONZE, Beecher, Illinois
writinghopelessly BRONZE, Beecher, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When I'm sad, i stop being sad and start being awesome instead"
~My Best Friend Ever

What can I say
To have you know
That ill stay
And never go

I would help you up
When you fell down
And make you laugh
When you want to frown

I'd run for you
In the middle of the night
Just to make sure
That you're all right

I can help you
At least I will try
When your sadness
Is near by

When you need a hand
I'll give you one to hold
I'll be here for you
Is what your being told

Though you are amazing
Even by yourself
But there's will be times
When you need someone else

I'll be waiting for you
Just for you to ask
I'm ready to be assigned
A very needed task

What can I say
To have you know
That ill stay
And never go

The author's comments:
This was pouring out of my soul. I thought it needed to be said. I wrote it for a certain friend and i reference them in some of the verses. This is saying something about me as a person. I'm that friend who might not be the life of the party but I care and I would do anything.

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