My Father Figure | Teen Ink

My Father Figure

July 6, 2014
By wordsinthestars12 GOLD, Nashville, Tennessee
wordsinthestars12 GOLD, Nashville, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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I'll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love most can never hear.

His responses are too slow: he's lying.
He is slurring his words.
He says, "Don't mess this up again,"

when she never messed it up at all.
He smells like beer.
He blames it on her.
I want to leave her to deal with it alone,

but I'm scared what she will do without me listening.
I am tired of the 4 AM fights.
I am tired of the sleepless nights.
I am thinking, don't give him anything.
I am thinking, he's taking everything.
I am scared by his alcoholic breath.
I am scared knowing we have nothing left.
Don't say my name when you sound like this.
Don't. You. Dare.






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