i still love you | Teen Ink

i still love you

July 7, 2014
By Sullyyy SILVER, Whitehouse, Ohio
Sullyyy SILVER, Whitehouse, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you taught me lots of things and whenever i'm reminding myself to breathe a little deeper, i think of you. i think of you because you're the one who taught me that my bones aren't actually cracked no matter how sad i am. you taught me that it's okay to be bruised. and, you taught me that bruises can look ugly and too purple or too blue and out of place but that's okay because all they are is temporary. you taught me to look at things, to put them in perspective. what will really matter in another four months? what will really, truly, actually matter? i knew the first time you told me you loved me that i loved you too. and the normal response when someone says 'i love you' is 'i love you too'. but i felt it down to the tips of my toes, to the very top of my head. the words couldn't have come out faster. every single time i told you i loved you it was a way of me saying that i want to know you forever. i want to be with you, i want to feel your presence forever. i want to feel the strong and safe shell that i felt you put around me even when we're miles away from each other.i would very much love to be yours for as long as i possibly can be. i trust you with things i would never tell anyone and i can't second guess it because there's no point. i love you because you took my deepest secrets and shaped them into three small words and presented them to me with a small nudge. 'i love you'. and, even though we're not together in that way anymore, i still feel that safe shall and sometimes i can even feel your arms around me. i can hear your soft voice whispering, 'it'll be okay, it'll be okay'. and for now, that has got to be enough.

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