Fireworks Aren’t Meant to be Watched Alone | Teen Ink

Fireworks Aren’t Meant to be Watched Alone

July 11, 2014
By AmyMargaret SILVER, Melrose, Minnesota
AmyMargaret SILVER, Melrose, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every one is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein

The lights flash in the velvety darkness and My soul seems to reach out to touch them.
A thunderous roar consumes the night -- I feel the vibrations deep in my bones and I wonder -- Can the stars feel this?
Can they fall?
Come crashing down?

Another flash.


These lights
This thunder
The colors
The cheers
They make me feel,
They force me to wonder
What am I doing here?
What am I doing alone?
Where are you?

Because, you see, fireworks aren't meant to be watched alone.

The gold ones are my favorite -- the ones that sparkle and then fade -- falling into a night that the moon has made.
But, they leave me feeling empty, lost and alone.
How can that be?

You're only one mile down the road.

But we're drifting
Further and further apart

Or, am I imagining things?

Is this my fault?

Did I push too hard?
Fall too fast?
I did everything you wanted
All I want is for US to last.

I caution you,
Fireworks aren't meant to be watched alone.

You see, in the dead of night, when even the crickets have settled in to sleep,
The most dangerous of Emotions that,
during the day,
are hidden,
begin to escape.
They make their way to the surface with havoc to wreak.

And, Suddenly, all these feelings are swirling blindly onto a canvas painted black -- lost, confused and lonely -- all I want is for you to love me back.

I can hear my family
My friends
Telling me why you're so bad. They say that you haven't changed, that you don't regret the past.
I can't tell you how badly I want to prove them wrong.

Because, despite all the doubts that I hold about you, as the tears gather on my lashes and the smoke begins to clear, I realize that I can't imagine what life would be like if you weren't here.

I'm under your spell. I swore once that I wouldn't let it happen again. I'm sorry. Have courage, dear heart.
It hurts.

I hope you think of me. I hope my soul is present in every moment of your life like yours is in mine. But, I can't force you to love me.

All I can do is hope.

Hope that you know why it is

be watched

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