The Demon | Teen Ink

The Demon

July 16, 2014
By ManswineeBezbaruah BRONZE, NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh), Other
ManswineeBezbaruah BRONZE, NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh), Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wherever you go, behind it stays
Your tears, your pain, torture it craves
The guileless smile melts their heart
But only it’s victims know the other side of the card.

It kills for pleasure, wants your ambitions all dead
It desires your future destroyed and keeps your enemies fed.
Blinds your vision when you need to see
Heats up your nerves when you can let it be

You cry for freedom from his evil eyes
But all who can hear don’t believe it’s vice.
“Cry ,my dear, cry all your heart’s desire
Because only your timid soul can feel my fire”

“Why me?” you ask, your voice veiled in your tears
“Because you let your body get taken over by your fears!”
Your getting down to your knees and begging will all be vain
Because the demon, my girl, is your own human brain.

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This article has 1 comment.

howard said...
on Jul. 30 2014 at 7:07 am
neat work. in future if you could shorten your work it might add more dynamism. regards. carry on.