Q-Girl | Teen Ink


July 19, 2014
By Joya Newman SILVER, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Joya Newman SILVER, North Little Rock, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Being quiet is not my intentions its who they made me be ,
Not speaking up is not what I Envisioned ,
But I'm not allowed to be free ,
I wish I would talk so the whole world could see ,
That I am not just a lost fish in the sea ,
Talking for me is harder than it is to breathe ,
And to breathe you have to be alive to bad that's not me ,
I died along time ago but my spirit awaits ,
for me to confess all my sufferings and my heartaches ,
So please don't be offended if I don't talk to you , you just don't understand what I've been through ,
I'm Q-girl , quiet as can be , but being quiet is not my intentions ,
it's who they made me be .

The author's comments:
Well a couple of days ago someone made a "To be honest" video about me on Instagram , which is basically a video telling you how they feel about you , and all they could say was "You're too quite" or "You need too speak up." And it made me think like "Is that all people think of me?" Because I'm so much more than that . But too get out my feelings I wrote this piece and I hope you all enjoy .

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This article has 1 comment.

Zephyfu SILVER said...
on Jul. 22 2014 at 12:36 pm
Zephyfu SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mad Ones "and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"

in your poem are you trying to say that , your peers calling you quiet all the time has made you become a quiet person? nice poem.