Welcome to the Life of a Fool | Teen Ink

Welcome to the Life of a Fool

July 27, 2014
By Nickster_ SILVER, Kuala Terengganu, Other
Nickster_ SILVER, Kuala Terengganu, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's throw away the hate & rock tonight" - Kid Dynamite

why am I like this?
why do I make people don't like me?
why do I look like an idiot?
why do I sound weird?
why do I act strange?
why can't I be like everyone else?

and how did I know?

I can tell by
the way my friends treated me
the way my family pointed out my flaws
without showing any single signs of appreciation of my existence
and i'm here
burdening everyone
making everyone not like me
for being who I am
and even for who I'm trying to be
cause I suck
and I am a fool.

The author's comments:
i do need help in life.

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