Growing Up | Teen Ink

Growing Up

July 28, 2014
By Mary Boken BRONZE, Wheaton, Illinois
Mary Boken BRONZE, Wheaton, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each day I wake up feeling the same as the day before
My routine feels unchanging and the days drag on
I walk down these same drab hallways and mechanically greet the same exact friends.
But, somehow, I am far from who I was a year ago
My acquaintances transformed into inseparable friends
People I “couldn’t live without” are now just faces in the crowd
I can’t help but wonder if what feels most familiar to me now
Will soon be nothing but a distant memory.
Time has only allotted me another year
To walk these seemingly ordinary halls with the people I love
We’ll wake up at 6:30 and whine and complain about projects and tests
We’ll beam about how excited we are to be done with this place.
But little do we know that in fifteen years,
We’ll be looking back with nostalgia on our days in plaid skirts and Polos
We’ll reminisce on the good old days before we entered the real world
Before we had mortgages to pay and kids to feed
When our best friends were only a few lockers away
Back when endless tears were shed over a boy whose name we can’t remember for the life of us.
In a year we will all scatter throughout the country
Make new friends, discover love, find our place in this world
I hope that you will all experience the best that life has to offer
And I know that with many of you, our lives will only intertwine for these four short years
That our futures are pointed in different directions
And maybe high school is just the beautiful moment that our lives intersected at a common point
But I pray that one day we can look back on this all together
And that you are more than just a beautiful moment in my life.

So I look upon you with a smile and a sigh
And pray that I’ll never have to say goodbye.

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