Average | Teen Ink


August 5, 2014
By EllakGale GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
EllakGale GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for." -Johnny Depp

Trapped in these cuffs of normality,
Never the one that boys swoon over,
Never the scholar whose name is recited on the intercom,
Never the one to start a fight, or end one.
I am just average.
Every day repeats itself,
I wake up, go to school, learn, go home, go to sleep.
There are never stories to tell, or gifts to be given.
Everything is average.
But today, that changes.
Today I wake up with a smile on my face,
Today I start a fight, and end it,
Today I ace my math test and make a friend,
Today I fall in love, then break my heart.
I will scream my name down every street,
I will leave my life, and start over new.
Let my past bite the dust, and my future will shine.
I will be known, I will be praised.
No longer will I go unnoticed in the crowded hallways,
No longer will I back down from a challenge,
I will soar, I will fly, I will gleam,
I will break my chains and run free.
Now, I bask in glory, I succeed in being above average,
Being infinite,
Being me.

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