Rains | Teen Ink


August 3, 2014
By Sameeksha BRONZE, Jaipur, Other
Sameeksha BRONZE, Jaipur, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is in ours hands, nothing belongs to us, still we earn so much in our lives, so why to crave for that left one. :)

Rains! The most overwhelming season one could enjoy.
The smell it brings,the drops it showers,
the memories it recall,the tears it hide.
On one hand,when someone is dancing with her loved one..
on other,he is crying to get back his loved one.
On one side she is cooking, to make her family smile..
on other, he is sowing to make his family alive.
Rains.. come with a pleasant smell of wet soil, it enriches every heart,every soul.
Sometimes,it goes away, giving someone a touch of love,to cherish thousands of memories..
while sometimes, it goes away, giving a harsh wind, to cry again, on those non-heeling pain.
Rivers, starts to rise, the clouds have started their cries.
there is someone who just lost his family in this season,
and there is someone who found to love her new family for few more reasons.
there is a joy on someone's birth,
there is an another mother, sitting on a wet porch, waiting for his soldier's rebirth!
The rains come, the rains go,
drops are shed,
the feelings are showered.
This very season, have its own beauty, have its own truth,
have its own memories, have its own trust.
Each and every person feel it in yet another way,
some to hide their tears, and some to show their grace.

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