This is Me | Teen Ink

This is Me

September 10, 2014
By Kimberly Schuetz BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Schuetz BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I’m from a family that never gives up on one another.

I’m from those youngling days where play time was everything to me.

Then boom! The day that changed my life forever.

I’m from that cold brisk winter day when I got hit by the car.

The smell of gasoline and car fumes so pronounce.


I’m from an invisible illness that cannot be seen or touch only felt.

But I’m from where impossible is not a word it’s just a reason not to try.

I’m from my bed where I spend most of my time in uncontrollable pain.

I’m from the sleepless nights with the buzzing in my ears from my headaches.

All the awful taste of medicine to ease the pain.

I’ll fight to find the light on this journey I am on.


I am from all the good and uphill battles I must face every day.

I’m from chronic pain that controls my life.

I am a fighter trying to make the most of life every day.


The author's comments:

I was insipred to wrote this because peope always ask me where am i from? Who i am? What makes you you? This poem basically says who i am and where im from. I want people to see that life isnt always smooth sailing, and that life can be hard sometimes. I want people to see though that life is a fight and we are all fighters. and to never ever give up on something you are going through.  

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