Where im from | Teen Ink

Where im from

September 16, 2014
By tbik23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
tbik23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from paved roads, from mishap and questionable decisions.
I am from the brick house on the corner.
I am from the city wind, the tall towers and the chicago people.

I am from tropical vacations and days filled with nothing, from hamburgers and brats and frozen pizza 
I am from where no one ever sleeps, and the neighbors hearing us
From do things the proper way and do your best.

I am from church in the morning. falling asleep in the pews.
I am from Chicago, hot beef, and deep dish pizza.
I am from da Bears, Blackhawks, and Bulls.

I am from the cabinets full of pictures cluttered around the house.
I am from making nick think he is dying , the unquestionable signs.
From then and now.

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