the field | Teen Ink

the field

September 30, 2014
By tommy scott BRONZE, Myskegon, Michigan
tommy scott BRONZE, Myskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is beauty, and makes you feel good,

It is very huge, and the fans rock
Have numbers to never forget, there along the sideline,
You can get dirty, if you get tackled,
Only football players touch it
It can inspire you to be better
It never goes away
You see it from far away
It can be your life for as long as you stay,
It can shine upon you if you good,
Sometime it sets you free
Make you think of things you can be,
It feel like grass,
Sometimes is wet
You run all day in it if you play
Football is the life of beauty and it is what makes the beauty
Of the field.

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