Horrible weekend Homework | Teen Ink

Horrible weekend Homework

October 1, 2014
By Jacob O'Donnell BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Jacob O'Donnell BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

5:00 pm.
Boredom is singing to me.
I walk through the problems
saying to myself, stay awake.

My brain is slow,
my eyes are seeing things.
I think I’m dying of homework.
Homework on the weekends,really
who comes up with that?
I’d rather be asleep or playing games.

Sitting there like waiting on a waiter,
bored of this math, history, science homework.
I scream no for homework on the weekends.
I could be riding a bike or be at a friend’s house,
but no I got homework.
When people ask me,
“what are you doing this weekend”
I say… I have homework.

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