CRAZY teen! | Teen Ink

CRAZY teen!

October 2, 2014
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Greatness is not achieved by never falling but by rising every time you fall.

I get angry over the slightest of things, 

I get easily emotional about everything. 

I love people too much, 

I easily get dissapointed. 

I most of the time prefer to walk alone, to be on my own and breathe.

I do not like the twisted, tangled life but mine seems to twist-tangle all the time.

I imagine each day to be a great one,

I imagine the future to be greater.

I do care a lot about the present and can not wait for the best to come.

I have got little issues here and there i wish i could sort out, but  i guess sometimes its best to just leave some things the way they are.

I have got Big dreams, but i am not a workaholic,

I sometimes wish some things were real, like Magic.

I love my family, more than anything in the the world.

I sometimes wish my imaginations could become real but i still keep hoping reality would someday be better than my imaginations.

I am like good-bad, no in between.

I hate hurting people and i love being at peace with everyone. 

I please a people a lot, not because i am stupid, but because i believe to please is to preserve peace.

Its like everyone is always up for a fight. Well, i prefer Harmony.

I am usually not the most beautiful wherever i go, but i am always proud i have a good heart.

I am probably not a usual teen but i belive i am the best still.                                                                                                               

The author's comments:

Shout Out to all Teenagers in the world! We all have our different stories, feelings that most times we can not even put into words, but whatever it may be, IT GETS BETTER! that's for sure....:)

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