My Place | Teen Ink

My Place

October 14, 2014
By ShatteredEcho GOLD, Leroy, Michigan
ShatteredEcho GOLD, Leroy, Michigan
11 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Our scars have the power to remind us that the past is real."

Distant conversations
Voices echoing around
I stare off into space.

I feel so alone
As the voices keep on talking
Silent mouth on a silent face.

The words don’t make sense
To my unhearing ears
I stand and begin to pace.

My head is so full
Of a jumble of notes
Making no song in any case.

I can’t clear my head
As I desperately try to sleep
Dozens of flowers in a tiny vase.

I can’t find relief
In this war on myself
About finding my place.

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