The Mold | Teen Ink

The Mold

October 14, 2014
By AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Memorize the information you are forced to,
learn in the classes you don’t want to take
throughout the majority of your education.

Learn this even though it won’t apply,
directly to you in the future and therefor
is a waste of time.

Let grades, deadlines, and homework,
control your lives both in and out of
the classroom.

Don’t let the bullies and the a*******,
hurt you even though the teachers
won’t do anything to protect you.

Spend your days in what students have,
come to relate to a jail cell because subjects that don’t interest you
mean more than living a life that fulfills your personal interests
instead of the interests of your teachers.

Do what they tell you to, but be yourself,
and live your own life outside of their
boundaries, rules and high expectations.

Don’t be what society wants you to be,
but be sure to fit the mold they’ve created
for us.

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