A life without Her | Teen Ink

A life without Her

October 14, 2014
By AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve never known a life without her;

Pulling my hair,
Reading side by side.
The barbie jeep, two wheels in the air,
Me, the passenger, along for the ride.

Playing with our polly pockets and groovy dolls,
Building fairy houses in the yard.
Lost in our own world, until our mother calls,
Wishing that coming back to reality wasn’t so hard.

While our teenage years brought on fights,
Yelling and screaming, throwing words around.
It also brought on late nights,
Talking for hours, loving the way our voices sound.

Now we’re apart,
Miles and hours away.
But ever closer in my heart,
My sister and best friend, she will always stay.

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