my imagination | Teen Ink

my imagination

October 15, 2014
By AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love you through and through,
Every little part of you.

From head to toe,
You don’t even know.

There’s a piece of me,
That only I can see.

It’s a question in your eye,
Asking why.

I got so lucky when I saw,
The boy walking around without a flaw.

The way your hand fits perfectly in mine,
Makes it a beautiful entwine.

Your hair falls in your face,
When I wrap you in an embrace.

Of course only I can see,
What we were meant to be.

Of course it’s my imagination,
Making this beautiful creation.

When I wish upon that star,
I wish for us to be what we really are.

I wish for us to be something more,
Then a dream I’ve had too many times before.

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