There's This Girl | Teen Ink

There's This Girl

October 17, 2014
By Rachel26 BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
Rachel26 BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

There’s this girl
who spends her days with a
smile on her face
while she crumbles like a
rock wall on the inside.
Her reflection haunts her,
like a ghost in the night.
I want to tell her she’s beautiful,
but why would she believe me
if she can’t believe herself?

There’s this girl
who’s lost in life
like it’s a maze.
She tries to give up,
saying there’s no way out.
She cries herself to sleep
because her thoughts poison her
from the inside out.
I want to lift her up and out
of the cacophony of thoughts,
but I trip and fall down with her.

There’s this girl,
and she now smiles with a sparkle
in her brown eyes.
She’s still not a whole,
but she is on her way to becoming one.
She looks in the mirror,
proud of how far she has come.
She is beautiful,
and she always was,
but now she’s starting to see it
for herself.
I, too, am proud.

There’s this girl
who walks down the hall with a
skip in her step,
excited for what the day has to come.
Her smile lights up everyone’s day,
even her own.
She is a force to be reckoned with;
a soldier with an entire army.
She is confident;
she is beautiful.
I’m honored to be by her side
in this crazy thing called life.

There’s this girl,
and she’s my best friend.

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