Memories Made | Teen Ink

Memories Made

October 20, 2014
By AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crumbling coffee cake sprinkled our feet
around the scuffed four wheelers we wore.
skating circles along the cracked pavement,
worn with the love of three blonde haired girls.

I remember the feel of a softened deck of cards
that taught me how to shuffle a bridge
and play kings in the corner, rummy,
and on occasion, a combination of them both.

The news would narrate in the background
flashing images reflected in your glasses
while you focused on the game of cards
and we focused on the woman sitting in front of us.

On the scratchy wool stool I sat
or on the blue gray carpet
that held a childhood of well-kept memories
never lost and never under appreciated.

Car rides to dairy queen with you sitting next to us,
clapping along to the music we chose.
looking out the window with a smile on your face
because you were eating creamy vanilla soft serve
and watching your family grow.

The rubber of huge yellow tires
rolling you along the boardwalk.
the seagulls called and the sand burned our bare feet
as we pushed you along.

The ocean tide swallowing the beach
where sea glass was collected, memories made
and the sand followed us.
collected on the floor mats
and settled in the cracks of floorboards that made up our home.

Our hearts were full when you were near,
our minds absent of any fear.
but then one night your spirit drifted away,
and the wind chimes echoed with a goodbye you couldn't say.

A sign that you had made it safe
flew by our window in a flash of indigo.
in the golden rays of sunshine that spread
upon a warm and empty bed.

In the prayers in our head,
the love in our hearts.
your memory, your life,
and your imprint on ours, will never fade.

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