Insomniac's Daydream | Teen Ink

Insomniac's Daydream

October 23, 2014
By RailGun BRONZE, Saugerties, New York
RailGun BRONZE, Saugerties, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes wide open
Room covered in the amber of street lamp outside
Completely aware of the time, but at this very moment you’re more awake than you were during the day
A train of thoughts and ideas run amuck in your brain
As though the driver cut the brakes, and shoveled coal into engine
You toss and turn
But all spots on the bed feel as though you’re lying on tacks
You stare up
An endless void stares back
Focusing on the thoughs
You pick one out of the million
The train is back on the rails
As the thought becomes more clear and exciting, your eyes become heavy
Your eyes close
Your mind drifts off
You board the train and now ride its endless tracks
At least until you open your eyes to the sun

The author's comments:

Its just about those sleepless nights everyone gets sometimes

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