Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

November 3, 2014
By peanut2000 BRONZE, Cisco, Illinois
peanut2000 BRONZE, Cisco, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from LOUD barks and panting,
Paw prints on my legs.
I’m from a swish straight through
(Hey I’m Open Over Here!!)
I’m  from Dark skin,
the old blue house sitting still on the corner

I’m from wrestlers and pig skins,
playing in the cave of Monticello, IL.
I’m  from broad and bulk,
thick and thin
I’m  from vocals singing,
with beautiful tune

I’m  from home-cooked meals,
Green Bean Casserole and Fried Chicken
(Yummy Yummy In MY Tummy)
I’m  from a ting of a bat shooting
out the fire ball saying ( Haha You Can’t Catch me!)
I’m  from mud and trucks,
from wrestling with my girl in the mud.
(Yeee haa Live Action)

I’m from a sweet lady,
from a person that took me under her wing
I’m from Cousin-Brothers.
From Pink belly and head locks.
I’m from big hearts and caring people
from loving but also helping people.

The author's comments:

That where you are from really can dicribe who you are. 

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