Senses | Teen Ink


November 6, 2014
By GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

I cannot see and yet I gaze
I’ve seen summer’s light and winter’s haze
I cannot feel and yet I crave
I want your hand in mine in all this craze
I cannot smell and yet your scent
is here keeping me content
I cannot taste and yet the taste of salty tears
is all I've had for years
I cannot hear, but your voice is near
I’ve travelled land and sea
Trying to find my glee
But without you, there is no me
And when I come and your eyes find mine
Sight, smell, sound, touch and taste return
Because when you are gone I am
When I’m with you I live

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