Liar in Disguise | Teen Ink

Liar in Disguise

November 6, 2014
By ValerieV BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
ValerieV BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Masked is your soul
with the belief you deem right
happiness is not by your side
You are a manipulative liar

Fallen into an utter despair
Drowned on your own beliefs
Try to prove me wrong
You are a manipulative liar

I see the way you speak of love
you tilt your head and doubt
have you even heard of it?
You are a manipulative liar

Tell me,
Can you feel tender
at your mother´s grace?
rather ease
at your father´s voice?
You are a manipulative liar

Your eyes dart keenly
why can´t the white in my eyes
color the skin in which I stand?
Dear mirror, why are you
the portray of all my fears?
You are a manipulative liar

You are as vulnerable as may be
may thee reject that,
but your words sting
when all you have known is venom
You are a manipulative liar

I know what lies
beneath your hurt
can you be greater?
than the wounds beneath your colored skin
You are a manipulative liar

come I to see
has the same number of letters

Have you ever known of a love, without so much pain?
Let´s hope, you´re a manipulative liar
does´t define you anymore...

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