Centimeter Century | Teen Ink

Centimeter Century

November 2, 2014
By YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be the change you wish to see in the world&quot;<br /> -Gandhi

All  a patriarch will see,
size small , real tall,
is the product selling?

Centimeter, in a century you will meet her,
the antichrist of the artificial  generation.

Skies are gray,
strict        immortal               population           controlled.
ocean and sea,                  polluted.

Life underground,     set in                stone. 
The centimeter, "the diamond",in this rough environment.

isn't that a pretty picture ?

Size X^4S,
but you are not small enough yet.
Size Small,
Size Medium,
a rare object you'll never meet in that future century.

21st century,
woman: a female; inferior object.

year 6969,
woman: a possession in which you use for sexual activity; if fights back-full refund.

anorexia nervosa ,malnourishment,
the price payed, for a beautiful lady.  

pulchritudinous is physically beautiful,
objects of small...importance.

social media,
women are objects they say,
As if they weren't selling.

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