The Roller Coaster | Teen Ink

The Roller Coaster

November 17, 2014
By restless-antics BRONZE, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
restless-antics BRONZE, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you have to open yourself to love. and if you do, sure, it'll be bad at times, but it'll be great at some point." - chris martin

Zero seconds in
With quivering fingers I buckle myself
Onto my seat
Heart pounding of my chest
The butterflies kick in
They angrily roam
I’m scared
But in a good way

Ten seconds in
The engine slowly whirrs
It’s way into my ears
I’m clinging
Onto the bar for dear life
The last minute regrets kick in
I’m scared
But in a good way

Twenty seconds in
I’m staring at a sky
Animated clouds
So idealistic, so romantic
I slowly let go
Of all the negatives
I’m floating
In mid air
I’m scared
But in a good way

Thirty seconds in
I begin to see the rails again
Yet I ignore it,
I choose to stare at the clouds
So beautiful
Innocently floating by
I’m scared
But in a good way

Forty seconds in
I can no longer see the sky
I’m sitting upright
I see it all
The twists
The turns
The falls
The end
I’m scared
This time, in a bad way

Forty one seconds in
I know that’s that
I know there’s no going back
I cling
Onto the bars for dear life
I grip it tight
And I let go of the regrets
Because let me tell you
It was one hell of a ride.

Forty two seconds in
And I’m falling
I’m scared
But in a good way.

The author's comments:

We all perceive love as a roller coaster due to it's twists and turns and overall complications, such as the amusement park rides. Yet, what fascinates me about love is the fact that we know about these twists and turns. We know that it's going to be complicated, it's going to hurt, it's going to have a chance of a horrible ending. Nevertheless, we still go on the ride. And in the end, despite if we end up heartbroken, despite the fact that it hurt so much, it is these things that makes us stronger people everyday. It hurts because it matters. That is what this poem is about. Hope you enjoy it! 

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