My Heart Is Open | Teen Ink

My Heart Is Open

November 17, 2014
By restless-antics BRONZE, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
restless-antics BRONZE, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you have to open yourself to love. and if you do, sure, it'll be bad at times, but it'll be great at some point." - chris martin

Months and months I took to build this wall

Stifling the heart, blocking it all
The chains so cold, the texture so rough
Yet I never felt like it was enough

I knew it was already destroyed
The remnants still there, oh-so toyed
A feeling of foolishness, a pang of shame
Drowned it so well, only I to blame

A predisposition that this was the cure
To fix something that was once so pure
Yet the scars still remain
Only to prove you can’t hide the bloodstain

Yet, amidst this tragedy, there’s a faint light
An aesthetic solace, illuminating the night
A sea of what once was filled with obscurity
Found the candle, a sense of maturity

Months and months I took to build this wall
Stifling the heart, blocking it all,
The chains so cold, the texture so rough
Yet I never felt like it was enough

In that next moment, it all crashed down
Every bit and piece scattered around
And here I am, finally making peace with my mark
All it took was one igniting spark.

My heart is open
And I’m okay.

My heart is open
And I’m okay.

The author's comments:

We all go through adversities in our lives. It's what makes us human. We let these hardships get into our head, we isolate ourselves from those who truly do love for us, chasing after the ones we wish cared for us. We go into this coma, this state of mental numbness. Why? There will never be a solid answer to this question. Why we choose to do this to ourselves, why we fall for the wrong people, why we resort to self-harm, to an unhealthy life when we could've picked a better route. We're just human. 

However, these bad times never last forever. No matter how bad things may seem, we all have the capabilities to pick ourselves up again. It is up to us to do that. We think that by shutting ourselves from the world around us that we'll be okay, that it's better to be alone. Let me tell you, it's not. Sometimes, we have to let our guard down. We have to allow ourselves to be vulnerable in order to help us grow into the stronger people we are capable of becoming. There's no point in building such a toxic wall when it's shutting us out from the people that truly do love us.

Love yourself. Love others. Open yourself to it and great things will happen.

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