Little Lamb | Teen Ink

Little Lamb

November 22, 2014
By devtimpone BRONZE, Nesconset, New York
devtimpone BRONZE, Nesconset, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

remember I was once a lamb,
do not look at me and see only the monster,
created by the flight and from the slaughter,
my wounds were fresh and raw then.
recount when I was just a whisper,
muffled by shouts and screams and laughter,
that was when my hands were empty,
I had given all I had to offer.
recall my good intentions,
stomped on by the raging heard,
see my bandages have lost their stick
and what was there, is now.
think of where I lost my way,
when I went into hiding.
then maybe you won't shriek with horror,
when I come back a lion.

The author's comments:

A poem written from the perspective of a character I was writing. All villains are the same; they aren't born with evil, they just collect it over time. This is just a look into the mind of someone who has let their demons haunt for far too long, and it is about to show.

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