Walls | Teen Ink


November 29, 2014
By kHan4 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
kHan4 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They constantly come closer.
The walls enclosing me.
Enclosing me into a smaller space.
Each and every minute is a smaller space.

My head is pounding,
Every movement is hurting me.
Pushing the walls to get a bigger space.
Cuts and bruises all over my arms and legs.

There are no windows,
But everyone sees.
Looking for help but no one will.
I see someone wanting to help but won't.

I am thrown objects,
They come out of nowhere.
My head spins in circles,
Wanting to know the right choice.

There are two objects.
The first hurt, a hammer.
The second hurt even more, a rope.
Which do I choose?

I know what these walls want.
"Take the rope"- they say coming closer.
Two choices.
One fate.

To take the hammer,
I choose to live.
To live with all the pain I bear.
To live with the walls crushing me.

To take the rope,
I chooose to die.
To di without anyone caring.
To die with the walls no longer crushing me.

Being crushed by the walls.
There is only one option left to get away.
The only thing I can do.
Is the thing I settle for.

I see a light.
I hear my name called.
I smell all things wonderful.
I touch an outstretched hand.

I faintly hear a cry.
There are more.
And more... And more...
There are to many to count.

The walls that once crushed me,
Are sad.
Why are they sad?
They only wanted to hurt me before.

The walls hang pictures of my face,
To remeber me.
But why?
They didn't care before.

Maybe I made the wrong choice,
I think.
It's too late now.
I am gone.

The author's comments:

I was trying to write about death. Death is a strong and deep subject. But after a long time of thinking I thiought of putting the concept together with bullying. I wanted to use symbols ad metaphors, which made it even harder. Everyday people are bullied. It's a fact.

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