New Atmosphere | Teen Ink

New Atmosphere

December 5, 2014
By riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Around and around the mystical land,
who’s there to wander or ponder the air?
Searching the vast unknown,
I become a part of the new atmosphere.

Sweeping and swaying through fields of grass,
I come across a monstrous track.
The muddy hole whom’s being fits the mark.
Two feet long, seven toes complete its end.

A shadow emerges mine, filling up the ground.
Turning, my eyes widen.
Standing in the power of the beholder 
a furry beast awaits my bow.

I look up. Its hair slowly sways in the cool night air.
It waits for my action, bow or run if I dare.
Bowing, I feel its warmth.
His scarred innocence bleeds through, like mine.

My hair flips back as his sweeping arm
swoops down to pick me up.
I head into the woods gladly
and in the wild night of creatures, left and right.

Both of us complete our end

The author's comments:

It's a new friendship.

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