Through the eyes of a butterfly | Teen Ink

Through the eyes of a butterfly

December 5, 2014
By Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soaring through the crisp clear air,
I see a flicker over their.
Hidden for no one to see.
Stands a man so silently.
His sorrowful face, his gloomy eyes his hands shake,
I wonder why.
He takes a step so desperately, ready to jump, to be free.
Right, Left, Right...He thinks, and there he goes, now he’s dead.
Why is this? What his is need?
Why didn't he look? Why didn't he see,
i'm fluttering here for him to see.
My wings shine  beautifully.
The sun reflects color of me, the radiant yellow, gold, orange shines upon me.
But as I comes and go, I fluttering around for thoughs to see going forth into the world, from flower to flower from person to person, soaring through the crisp clear air.
Through the eyes of a butterfly.

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