The Great Unknown | Teen Ink

The Great Unknown

December 7, 2014
By Nya Beans BRONZE, Business, Texas
Nya Beans BRONZE, Business, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her crimson tears splattered through his heart

Sitting on the granite countertop
he thought of all their memories

Walking to the bedroom they shared
he could still hear her voice
demanding to know where her suitcase was

Now she’s just some ash drifting in the wind,
he thought,
flying through the infinite skies

He collapsed to the floor when he reached the cradle
The cradle of no use now

He clenched at the thought
My wife is gone and she took my child
Took him to the horizon to see the sunset

There was no one there to give him the soft embrace he desired

His bones shivered
arms ached

How dare she pierce my heart like that
It was as if she was a novice seamstress
clueless on the basics of sewing
Making holes everywhere
Did she not care?

A voice beaconed him near
whispering sweet nothings into his ear
“Come my dear. Come be with me and Junior. It’s much happier here. No deaths. No poverty”

Should I listen to this voice?
Should I put myself out of this misery?

He flashes back to earlier that day

Bang! Bang!
He looks down in horror
Blood’s dripping down his clothes
But it isn’t his

The author's comments:

This is a poetry piece I created in 9th grade English. It was one of those assignments where there was word bank of words and you pick a few from the list and just go where your heart takes you. I think the words I chose from the list were crimson,granite,ash, infinite,cradle, horizon, shivered, and novice

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