They Don't Care | Teen Ink

They Don't Care

December 3, 2014
By SarahGlomski BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
SarahGlomski BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A chip bag flutters
across the water
of the ocean,
being pushed
by the wind
Everyone knows
it should be
collected from
the sea
And though everyone
at the beach
sees the bag
no one picks it up
Maybe it would
make you look
for caring about
such a thing
Dumb for worrying
about litter
being set adrift
into the ocean
Perhaps it’s just
too much work
to go get it
and throw out
So people stare
at the bag
as it dances
on the water
A ripple from the current
pushes the bag
towards shore
asking politely for
someone . . . anyone
to retrieve the litter
And yet –
no one does
they’re just too busy
to care
So it stays there
waiting . . .
waiting . . .
waiting . . .
to be picked up
But it won’t be
because in this
day and age
people simply
don’t care

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