Who I am.. | Teen Ink

Who I am..

December 11, 2014
By Taylor Good BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
Taylor Good BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A life full of struggles and disappointments is what I was born into. I was born to a drug user mom and a marine father, separated. I was born to turn out like them and to be a failure, be nothing. I was born into destruction to the hope and pain in my heart that I was preserve through alone. But, anything is possible.

My vivid memories of then can be hard to write until my mind gets fully invested. Then it's like I'm going through it all over again.

The author's comments:

When i wrote my personal essay, I wrote to tell people that if they are going through a hard time they don't have to go through it alone. There are many people who struggle that need to realize it's not just them going through terrible events, many other kids are too.

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