Starry Night Sestina | Teen Ink

Starry Night Sestina

January 20, 2015
By Kaity0421 GOLD, Windsor, Connecticut
Kaity0421 GOLD, Windsor, Connecticut
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The show's gotta go all over the place... or something...." - Finn Hudson

I lay awake and wonder,
after this night of neglect,
the pain inside is rising,
he soulless,
as the night is starry,
it's taking over me, this world of twilight.

How does one venture out of the twilight,
this I wonder,
out towards the starry,
night of neglect,
but I can't be soulless,
I need to rise.

I watch as he begins to rise,
towards the end of twilight,
his movements are soulless,
"What does he feel?", I wonder.
Around him, all I feel is neglect
but his eyes are starry.

My mind is clear, yet starry
the pain and anger are no longer rising,
I can no longer feel neglect.
This needs to end, this twilight
there is no more wondering,
there is no more time to worry about the soulless.

"Our love is soulless"
he says to the stars,
"I can only wonder"
as he waits for me to rise
he sighs into the twilight
his eyes full of neglect.

I don't care for neglect-shun,
who cares if he is soulless,
there is no more twilight,
the sky is bright, no longer starry,
the sun has risen,
my mind is no longer wondering.

Soulless neglect,
rising wonder,
starry twilight.

The author's comments:

Written by my friend Hailey and I

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