Thank You Dude | Teen Ink

Thank You Dude

January 28, 2015
By mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
mikebenson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i like turtles

 Thank you dude

Hey Mike how you doing?
I just want to say thanks for all you’ve done

Do you remember that time we caught those fish?
We cleaned them and put them on a dish
Do you remember that time we shot them ducks?
Or skinned them bucks?
Those were some cool times man

We real cool bro, but you know that though

Remember when we shot those deer?
Maybe someday us two will drink some beer

Ima cana dig that time with the jazz on da boat man
Ya, those were some cool times yo
Cana like a brotha in the swamp huntin ducks man
I wouldn’t have dat much fun without you Chase

We real cool brotha M
So I thank you, Mike






The following phrases that are used in the poem will be defined below:
1”We real cool”- this means that we never fight and always have fun together
2.”bro”-short for brother
3.”Ima cana dig dat time wit da jazz on da boat”-This phrase means, “I really liked that time we listened to jazz on the boat.
4. “ya” this is short for yeah that may be used when we text each other,
5.”yo” has no meaning, commonly used at the end of a sentence to enhance the fact that we are joking around.
6.”Cana like a brotha in the swamp huntin ducks man”-this is just an inside joke used between us
7.”dat” means ‘’that’’
8.”We real cool, brotha M” This means brother M as in Mike. My friends and I usually refer to ourselves as the first letter of the first name.

The author's comments:

Its about a friend

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